The Darkroom

Spring 2025 hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8 AM - 8 PM
Friday: 11 AM - 3 PM
Sunday: 12 PM - 4 PM
Closed during Darkroom Courses and Saturdays

The Sabinal darkroom is fully equipped for processing and printing Black & White film onto RC and fiber-based papers in a temperature-controlled environment using SPRINT chemistry.

Our processing kits include metal tanks & reels for 35mm and 120 film and Jobo Multitanks for 4x5 sheet film.

Our printing darkroom is equipped with Beseler 23CIII and 45X enlargers to accommodate all common film formats.

UV Boxes for Cyanotype and alternative process printing are available upon request.

Questions? Call us at 512-245-2243 or send us an ︎